Saturday, December 29, 2012

An Outcry!

* Protests go viral nationwide, unstoppable public outpouring. Is this a youth awakening?

This 'Times of India' latest update upsurges a feeling of 'hell yeah!!!' in me. The so called youth awakening, the rage, the protests and everything that is against the brutality of the heinous crime is undoubtedly satisfying my nerves. Everything seems just so justified, so fallen in place as the anger of the nation was needed long ago. And so was the provocation.
Every second day we the UNITED nation, the YOUTH turn a deaf ear to the traumatic cacophony of crime. We dismiss the reports of injustice by tagging it all with a lifestyle change, a paradigm shift. Ask yourself, Did it really bother u when u'd see a daily filled with reports of murder, robbery, rape or suicide? Did u ever step out of your cocoon to bring sanity to your society? Today, India not just lost a victim, but she lost her integrity. And the nation would be rapped every now and then if we continue to remain indifferent. 
Stop yourself people, from disrespecting your society. Revolt, not just for rape but for even an iota of inhumaness. Safeguard, not just rights of women, but rights of the mankind. Cleansing the filth of your surroundings wont really help. Rather, cleansing your mindset would. 
Afterall species face extinction when it fails to work for itself. Henceforth, humans would face extintion when they fail to be human. 

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