Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy independence.....

A recent survey found dat 28% of d india's population say dat independence is actually the freedom 2 move safely on d roads...while jst 27% say dat it is d freedom 2 vote.....n 4 a meager 4% it means d freedom 2 protest.....shockingly alarming dat jst a small proportion of such a huge mass of ppl believes in d incongruity of their political system..n even smaller proportion wants d d 64th yr of our 'tryst wid destiny' v d ppl of India r jst sitting n complaining bout d manholes...n jst hopin dat smday d political sewerage wil b cleansed....Bravo!!!!
According to most of us, we are just innocent netizens of a crippled nation, a Nation of 'Bapu' who was a benevolent ambassador of truth and justice. But the meaning of 'Satya' as preached by Gandhi seems to be disintegrated nowadays or maybe its integrity is preserved, embedded deep in the heart of a provoked yet scared common man. Scared to express, scared to raise a voice against the system or scared even to make an effort. And to justify his suffering at the hands of corruption and power the common man blames the owners of the government ambassador cars, absolving himself from the crime he commits daily. Yes we the common people are the accomplices. Because if the system scares us it means that we want be safe. So as long as we are scared, we are criminals. It has to dawn upon us that cleansing of the political effluent will be possible only if we ourselves enter the manholes and clear the blockage. India today needs dynamic minds. It cannot thrive on a stagnant dogma. Just few out of umpteen people cannot promise change. Rise my people from your slumber. So I hope that when next i come across another such survey the remaining 96% of the people join the 4% of protesting minds. Jai Hind!!!!